Answering Commonly Asked Questions About Fire-Rated Doors

When it comes to protecting commercial spaces, owners cannot rely on traditional doors and windows which are made of plastic and other light materials that cannot withstand the extreme heat in case of fire emergencies. This is where fire doors come to play. They help contain fire and smoke in the wake of an emergency and help minimize the loss of lives or damage to property. Continuing on the subject, in this post, we answer a few commonly asked questions about fire-rated doors. Read on.  

1. What is the material used in fire doors?

Fire-rated doors are made of hardwood and engineered wood, among others. They also come with fire-rated accessories such as frames, handles, hinges, and intumescent smoke seals that expand during fire and prevent smoke from escaping.

2. How to determine if it’s a fire door?

To check if it’s a fire door, you can see the certification sticker that is generally present on the side or top of the door. Most fire doors tend to come with a four millimeter gap around the sides and top. If the door has a larger gap, it may not be fully fire-resistant. Also check if the seals around the corners are intact and the hinges are firm and tight. A good quality fire door should shut properly by itself within no time to avoid fire from spreading. 

3. Can fire doors be glazed or painted?

Fire-rated doors come with a variety of finishing options. Some of the reputable manufacturers provide the options of decorative laminates, decorative veneers, and paint finish for fire doors. You can select from these options as per your choice and the decor of your property. 

4. Can fire doors be repaired?

Generally, it depends on the extent of the damage to the door. A certified professional can help find out the severity of damage and if it needs to be replaced. If the damage is visible, it is recommended to buy a new one to avoid any chances of risks in the future.

5. What are the pros of hinges in fire doors?

Fire door hinges are engineered in a way that they do not warp, deform, and twist during extreme heat to keep the door secure and in place. It is important for a fire door to have three hinges to make it thicker and heavier.

Wrap Up

For a fire door to work properly, it is important to install it correctly into a fire-resistant frame along with fire rated hinges, glazing, and intumescent seals. If you wish to buy a fire door for your property, connect with a leading manufacturer providing factory finished fire rated doorsets. Some more aspects to consider when finalizing a fire-rated door provider include the size of collection, finishing options, and warranty policy, among others.  

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